Biosynthetic® Technologies’ revolutionary new class of biobased synthetic compounds called Estolides are made from organic fatty acids found in various bio-derived oils. These highly functional sustainable […]
Biosynthetic® Technologies’ biobased, renewable and biodegradable base oils have proven successful in creating quality grease formulations that deliver excellent performance across many applications. These uniquely patented […]
Biosynthetic® Technologies manufactures renewable and biodegradable base oils used to formulate high-performance hydraulic fluids. These uniquely patented oils can be used as an additive or as […]
Biosynthetic® Technologies manufactures renewable and biodegradable base oils that can be used to formulate high-performance synthetic passenger car motor oil (PCMO). These sustainable base oils are […]
At Biosynthetic® Technologies, we are a specialty ingredient company in the Beauty and Personal Care industry, that is dedicated to the health and safety of both […]
When formulating quality personal care products, oxidative stability is an important property to understand. The oxidative stability of the ingredients in the formulation will impact shelf […]
At Biosynthetic® Technologies, we are a specialty ingredient company in the Beauty and Personal Care industry, that is dedicated to the health and safety of both […]
Biosynthetic® Technologies’ revolutionary new class of biobased synthetic compounds called Estolides are made from organic fatty acids found in various bio-derived oils.
Biosynthetic® Technologies manufactures renewable and biodegradable base oils that can be used to formulate high-performance synthetic passenger car motor oil (PCMO).
Biosynthetic® Technologies’ biobased, renewable and biodegradable base oils have proven successful in creating quality grease formulations that deliver excellent performance across many applications. These uniquely patented oils can be used as an additive or as a base oil replacement.
Estolides are a class of unique bio-based oils with a variety of uses. Their oligomeric structure contains fatty acid repeat units, with secondary ester linkages on […]
Health and safety are priorities for food, drink and drug manufacturers. Standards of cleanliness and hygiene are as important on the shop room floor as in […]