Biosynthetic® Technologies manufactures renewable and biodegradable base oils that can be used to formulate high-performance synthetic passenger car motor oil (PCMO). These sustainable base oils are […]
The market is looking for bio-based alternatives to silicones and petroleum-based products and BioEstolides have been designed to be gentle on hair and skin and provide […]
At Biosynthetic® Technologies, we are a specialty ingredient company in the Beauty and Personal Care industry, that is dedicated to the health and safety of both […]
Estolides are a class of unique bio-based oils with a variety of uses. Their oligomeric structure contains fatty acid repeat units, with secondary ester linkages on […]
Biosynthetic® Technologies manufactures a revolutionary new class of biobased synthetic compounds called Estolides that are made from organic fatty acids found in various bio-derived oils. These […]
Dependence on foreign oil is a growing concern, as is urban runoff water, which contains significant amounts of oil and petroleum products that contaminate America’s waterways. […]